Thursday, September 10, 2009

Battambang - Bamboo train and more Wats

After hearing numerous stories about the boat from Siem Reap ("9 hours of hell!" was one description I read!), we decided to catch the much quicker (3.5 hours) bus to Battambang. Friends had recommended the Royal Hotel, so when our bus pulled up and a young guy gave me a big smile and pressed the hotel's brochure up against the window I gave him the thumbs up. It turned out to be a good choice - nothing Royal or glamorous, but it was clean and comfortable. The next day we organised a moto ride to explore the area. The day started with a trip through rice paddies and little villages.

We got to experience "Cambodian snow" (dust). We climbed over a thousand (HOT!) steps to Phnom Sampeau for a great view of the countryside and towards Thailand. We visited caves which were used as slaughter chambers by the Khmer Rouge, still containing skeletal remains. We then climbed more steps (360) to visit the pour cousin of Angkor Wat, Wat Banan (sorry but when you've seen the best...). During lunch we were introduced to Cambodia's national sport, hammock swinging!

We then headed out to Battambang's famous bamboo trains, the Norries. Essentially its a little removable bamboo platform on two axels powered by a portable motor. It runs on a one-way track and if some comes the other way, the smaller load has to dismantle their train and let the other pass. It was great fun and got going at an amazing speed. Bouncing off the uneven tracks. The (foolhardy!) driver even let Greg have a go at running the thing.

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