Sunday, February 22, 2009
Essouira, coastal Maroc
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Tiznit, Tafroute and a very interesting man
Tafroute is at the head of the pretty Ameln Valley, which we wanted to walk through, so we set about finding a tour to take. It was here we met an interesting man. His name was Ahmed and he ran what looked like a very respectable guide/tour service. After some haggling and some good natured banter we decided on a tour of 2 days 1 night, staying with a family and with an english speaking guide.
The views in the morning were wonderful and the valley has a its reputation for good reason. Just after good lunch in town we again met our friend Ahmed (who hung around a lot and generally made a nuisance of himself) and told him we weren't happy and wanted a cheaper price. Unhappy was an understatement, he acted in a very childish way. We got a lower price, but that dummy of his was dusty from where it hit the ground.
Marrakech, Morocco - The capital of lost tourists
Monday, February 2, 2009
London in the snow
Moments after arriving at our hostel we were washed away by a wave of people to a soccer game in the famous Maracana Stadium (sorry that analogy isn't great, but hey we're tired!). Rio`s (and Brazil's for that matter) biggest team, Flamengo were in action for the first time this season. Only half the stadium was full, but the supporters could make some noise! The energy and passion was electric.
The next day we took the roller coaster ride (aka tram ride) up a winding road to Santa Teresa. Roaring up the hill it would occasionally screech to a halt to let more passengers hang off the sides or to avoid a head-on collision with a bus coming the other way. It is an colourful area of ageing beauty, once the preserve of the wealthy, the space is now occupied by artists and poets. Feeling arty, we then visited the colourful mosaic stairs created by Chilean artist Jorge Selaron. Inspired by the Brazilan people, he covered more than 250 stairs entirely in tiles people sent from all over the world.
To gain an appreciation of the less glamorous side of Rio, we went on a tour of the nearby slums known as 'favelas'. Located all over the city, squished in between the rich and famous and ignored by city maps lies about 750 favelas. Favelas have a reputation for being 'no go' areas of violence, danger and poverty. The tour allows a different perspective. You get to see the unique architecture which allows so many thousands of people to live in these small cramped conditions, see the significant lack of access to basic public services such as clean water and learn about efforts to improve schooling and social services for the locals.
Photos to come.....
UbaTuba and Paraty - with a touch of sun and two drops of rain
Ubatuba is a little area along the brazillian coast that is famous among brazillians for having over a hundred beaches. And in the Sao Paulo bus station a quick fire decision was made - and we headed to this resort town. We of course didn`t realise that 100 beaches are going to be spread out over quite a bit of coastline. So when the bus pulled into a glorified garden shed we knew we had our work cut out. But we came out ok. The next day we hit the beach and decided to hide from the sun under one of the many beach umbrellas. Brazillian umbrellas do not block out the sun`s rays, as our bright red bodies told us 2 hours later. We knew that we were in for some pain in the days ahead.
With our skin on fire we made for Paraty. Paraty is a beautiful colonial town dating from the Portugese gold shipping times. Unfortunately there was a flood in Paraty a week before our arrival, but the old town had survived quite well, and somehow our hostel was one of the few in town to still have water.
There are many boats in the harbour which run day trips out amongst the many islands and coves (and dodge trees swept out by the flood) that cover the coastline, and we decided to head out on a day trip. An easy relaxing day ensued with swims and cruising. Only for the weather to close in on us as we returned to port. Clearly Mother Nature had not received my memo asking for sunny skies to end South America and it rained on us liberally.
Meals in Brazil are definitely for people who like to share. Almost everwhere you venture, the menu will be full of options for meals for two, and we used this wherever we could for the obvious cost advantages. Brazil does good food.